Memories of Kinlochard - Ray Mair
I visited the village on numerous occasions from the early sixties to the late seventies. I'm now 61 years old and although I don't have anything too interesting to say (unlike your other contributors), I decided to add to your site.
There was what was known as "The Hut" situated just inside the village - thru' a gate, just after the Kinlochard sign, on the left on the way in from Aberfoyle. These are photographs of Campbell's Croft, a.k.a. "The Hut" taken circa 1970.
I first stayed here with David Smith, his friend Seoras Telfer and David's son Campbell, when I was about 11 or 12 years old - circa 1963. I believe that David & Seoras built the place and rented the land for a nominal sum. David Smith and Seoras Telfer built Campbell's Croft in, or around, 1957. It was named after David's son Campbell and the site is now occupied by a villa. Campbell's Croft was razed to the ground by Campbell, possibly in 1990, following a dispute over land ownership.
Time passed, with Campbell and I growing up together in East Kilbride until Campbell and his future wife, Lesley, stayed in the place on a semi-permanent basis (during the 70's). Numerous friends, myself included, would be invited to stay. I would take the bus from Glasgow to Aberfoyle and, after a pint in the Baillie Nicol Jarvie, would walk to the village. Tried to hitch-hike from time to time but I loved the walk (apart from the bit that strays from the loch). It never seemed to rain..........but it never did when you were in your early 20's!
The Altskeith Hotel was visited regularly and I remember Donald. With any luck we won the Saturday night raffle (a bottle of rum) and took it back and stuck some blackcurrent in. Ouch!
Campbell passed away in 1998 and I know David also passed. As for Seoras, I don't know. Campbell was an artist and there's a Facebook site dedicated to him, to which I've contributed. David Smith, is the only remaining family member following the deaths of David Snr and Campbell. David is very keen to get in touch with lan McDonald (previous submitter) who he knows and met in East Kilbride a number of years ago.
I seem to remember that David/Campbell had a relative in the village, possibly a cousin (a girl).
David Snr (left) and Campbell (right) with an unknown woman.
I have a vivid memory of David taking us to meet a very imposing guy, in what may have been Ledard farm (it was probably in the mid 60's). He had a beard and a damaged eye- scary for a 15 year old. I later saw postcards which featured him, in full Highland gear with a Falcon on his arm.
These photos of Walter Joynson are courtesy of David Smith and were taken by his father. Dates are unknown but the colour photo would appear to be the earlier. David Smith was involved in the rescue of Walter Joynson and the land and surrounding "gardens" were rented to David at a cost of a farthing per annum (if ask for), for 50 years. This rental agreement expired in May 2007. I have seen the document, which details the rental and which is signed by Walter.
I would welcome any contact on or on my Facebook page (search for Raymond Mair from East Kilbride).